mengamati secara seksama bahasa Inggris
- mengamati: observe; observed; observing; peer; peered;
- secara: -ly; -wise; by; wise; in a way; precisely;
- seksama: thorough; accurate; exact
- memeriksa secara seksama: overhaul; overhauled; overhauling
- menanyakan secara seksama: close question; closed question; closing question
- mengamati: observe; observed; observing; peer; peered; peering; viewing; watch; watched; remark; read out; find; follow; keep an eye on; lay eyes on; take note; identify; mention; scan; search; look on; study;
- mengamati -: fasten eyes on
- pengeditan seksama: accurate editing
- penyetelan seksama: tuning in
- semakin seksama: the more carefully
- mengamati dan melihat: looked and saw
- mengamati dan menganalisa: observing and analysing
- alat sangat seksama: high precision tools
- dengan lebih seksama: more carefully
- melihat dengan seksama: look up and down; looked up and down; looking up and down
- 2. Closely observing vital signs of patients, keeping respiratory tract clear.
2. Mengamati secara seksama tanda kehidupan pasien kanker lidah, perhatikan saluran pernapasan.